Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8th - 7th Injection day

Well, what a day...!!!

I woke up feeling a little bit hot and clammy. I just generally felt off. But I really didn't have time too much time to consider it all. I was off to the clinic for an 8.30am start. I had the blood test and ultrasound today.

When I got into the clinic I went straight in for the blood test and unfortunately the woman doing the test decided to go for my inner arm vein and it was bloody painful and it just set me off in tears. And they weren't the odd tear, I found myself sobbing. She got me water and then called one of the nurses so I could be ushered off in to the ultrasound room. I came good until I was told I was about to have a trans-vaginal ultrasound. WHAT??? I hadn't signed up for that? Well I guess I had, 'cause I was there. (For further explanation on the scan... a transvaginal sonography is done with a probe placed in the woman's vagina.) Anyway, as always they were treating me beautifully and I felt in good hands and they certainly weren't going to let me leave until I felt a bit better. The nurse also re-itterated that it was very normal for me to be so emotional and I shouldn't worry about it. Just soldier on!

Anyhoo, back to the ultrasound. After the initial shock and the general discomfort, it was not that bad and they were able to count 8 decent sized follicles on one side and about 5 on the other. Which is about on track for the 8-10 good sized ones for collection they are hoping for.

So after I was done getting dressed etc, I was Gonal f speared by the nurse who did my ultrasound. She was a gem. I was asking her about why my spearing efforts had produced both a shocking bruise on the first attempt, and then a pin prick the second time... Her response was that it is luck of the draw if you hit a capillery. So I felt a little less stressed by my bruising.

I then went and met a mate for hug or two (I really was feeling low. Just miserable.) and we went to do a Zumba class. The nurses had said it was ok and even though I was feeling a little bloated and a bit sore after the ultrasound I wanted to do the class so off we went. It turned out to be quite fun and I was feeling infinitely better afterwards. I also had a call from the clinic to tell me that I was right on track and the measurements on the follicles were 12mm - 14.5/15mm and they need to be at 17mm for collection. I am to go back in on Saturday for another ultrasound and blood tests and we will probably be looking at a collection either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week. phew, lets get this over!

We then ventured off for a spot of lunch and then my mate shouted me to a manicure and pedicure... ahhh... then I was off home, but would you beleive it was only about another hour before the tears started to flow again. At least I managed to keep them at bay fractionally, and it was bucketing with rain so no one would have noticed my wet cheeks as I walked through town to get to my bus home. And Sean called to check up on me as soon as he got my text saying it hadn't been a great day, and he always makes me smile with his really bad jokes!

I spent the afternoon on the couch staying very mellow. When I Skyped Sean I was in tears again and to be honest, if it weren't for the fact that I know I am being fed hormones, then I would be seriously concerned for my mental health.

So Synarel before bed and I am done!

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